EDU 902 Education in a 1:1 Environment
This course focuses on transforming instruction for a 1:1 class environment. Strategies will be presented for developing daily instructional plans that embed local-level technology into the curriculum content and ISTE standards.
This practical course provides instruction to move from current levels of technology integration to transforming instructional design in a 1:1 classroom environment. Integrate the ISTE standards into daily workflow and unit plans. Presents strategies and facilitation for embedding local-level technology and content area curriculum to develop a daily integration plan.
*Participants in this course will have several mandatory, synchronous, video conference sessions. The dates and times are listed on each course registration page.
Please note: This course is currently only offered during Spring and Summer semesters. If there are no upcoming courses listed, please click on the contact link below to request notification when the next session has been scheduled.