Growth Mindset EDU 917 Growth Mindset in the Classroom

Eduspire’s courses are offered by Wilson College as individual 3-credit graduate-level courses, and most courses can also be taken as part of the Master of Educational Technology (MET) degree program.

This course will research growth mindset within the classroom. Participants will explore technology tools to support growth mindset in instruction. It provides practice implementing and utilizing a variety of tools, as well as, how to monitor and modify instruction for student success with growth mindset at the forefront.

Growth mindset is the belief that people can develop and finesse specific abilities through hard work and dedication while gaining a love for learning and resilience to obtain great accomplishments. This course will further research and define fixed and growth mindset and how to appropriately implement technology in the classroom to establish a growth mindset. The course will also explore how a growth mindset can be implemented utilizing diverse teaching strategies, helping students to set attainable and achievable goals, assisting students to be active learners, how to teach students to accept failure, and how to help students reflect on their learning. An essential skill to be addressed will be discovery of how to use old and new strategies in creating personal toolboxes, and assess useful strategies to integrate and create a growth mindset in the classroom. Learners will develop their understanding and skills to learn how to deliver instruction in a meaningful and beneficial way through the choice and evaluation of the technology, student performance monitoring, appropriate scaffolding, and the modification of instruction to ensure student success with a growth mindset.

*Participants in this course will have several mandatory, synchronous, video conference sessions. The dates and times are listed on each course registration page. 

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Online Mar 17, 2025 9:12 AM Mar 13, 2025 9:12 AM Spring
Online Jun 23, 2025 9:12 AM Jun 12, 2025 9:12 AM Summer
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