Immersive Experience EDU 974 Immersive Experiences in Education

Eduspire’s courses are offered by Wilson College as individual 3-credit graduate-level courses, and most courses can also be taken as part of the Master of Educational Technology (MET) degree program.

Explore and experiment with the many possibilities for virtual reality (VR) integration in educational settings with an easy-to-use personal VR device. Hands-on experiences include VR apps, games, virtual communication and an evaluation of the advantages of and barriers to VR educational use in the present and near future.

This device-based technology integration course takes advantage of the recent availability of feature-rich personal standalone virtual reality (VR) headsets at a price that is accessible for many educational settings. The course will also guide participants through an investigation of the connections among VR and its technological world (often known as the “metaverse”), the lives of middle and high school students, and education.  VR stands at a point where the technology is advanced and affordable enough for educational use, where classroom applications of VR have been documented and shared, and where there is now rapid advancement of capabilities and educational uses.  This course would provide participants with skills and knowledge to be used in their present lives and classrooms, as well as instruction on and preparation for the very near expanding possibilities of VR.

The course is intended for middle and high school educators, and any other technology leaders, as VR metaverse devices are most often approved for people 12 or older. It is open to anyone else with the understanding that there may not always be an elementary-grades focus.


A Virtual Reality Headset is included in the cost of the Wilson College version of this course (with no additional fees).

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Online Mar 31, 2025 9:12 AM Mar 20, 2025 9:12 AM Spring
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