Manage 21st Century Teaching Demands ¡Hola! I’m Katie Bordner, and I’m one of the Spanish teachers at City High in Pittsburgh, PA. This fall, I’ll be teaching Eduspire’s World Language Tech Integration class, where I’ll be sharing some of the tips and tricks I’ve…
New ideas for using technology in the classroom: KTI 2015 During the week of July 27-31, approximately 100 educators from the state of Pennsylvania experienced a powerful week of learning and connecting at the Keystone Technology Innovator (KTI) Summit in Shippensburg, PA. These…
How to Make Meaning with Technology for Texts While English class traditionally revolves around reading, analyzing, and writing about texts such as novels, plays, and poems, technology offers us new ways to make meaning from these texts. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with giving…
Tips for Using the iPad in the Classroom While the iPad is an easy device to learn, it’s also easy to overlook some little tricks that can save time for teachers. Here are a few of my favorites: 1. Keyboard shortcuts I don’t…
Gaming in Education Gaming and assessment go hand-in-hand with BrainPop’s GameUp! GameUp is a totally free website with over 100 common-core-related games covering multiple topics including Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, English, ESL and Engineering & Tech. You’ll find games on topics such…
Myth Debunking in Social Studies Classroom The Confederate flag controversy. Greece. Mass shootings. ISIS. It is difficult as a Social Studies teacher to keep up with current events. Sometimes, it is even more difficult to guide students in sorting out the interpretations of…